Christmas Tree Topper Bow Challenge
Christmas Tree Topper Bow Challenge

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What is the Christmas Tree Topper Bow Challenge?

It is a 4 day challenge where 3 designers with their own styles and techniques show you how to make a tree topper bow that you can put on your own tree or list for sale.

When is the challenge? 

September 4th to September 7th

What you'll learn?

  • How we shop and choose ribbon for our bows
  • How to coordinate your ribbons - sizes, styles, colors and patterns
  • A list of places to buy quality ribbon
  • How to make 2 Christmas tree topper bows by hand
  • How to make a tree topper bow using the EZ Bow Maker
  • How to identify and fix common mistakes with bows
  • Easiest ways to attach the tree topper to a tree for yourself or a customer
  • How to style the tree topper and best accessories to accent the bow

How you'll learn?

  • Day 1: Videos from the 3 designers containing shopping and ribbon buying tips.
  • Day 2: Damon live making a tree topper - 11 am CST
  • Day 3: Mellie Mel live making a tree topper: 2 pm CST
  • Day 4: Jacque live making a tree topper: TBD pm CST 

Course Summary

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Christmas Tree Topper Bow Challenge

Join Damon, Mel and Jacque in a 4 day challenge to make a designer tree topper bow. Each of the designers bring a unique flair, design and experience to help you create a stunning tree topper.

This course includes:

  • 3 unique design tutorials from 3 different designers
  • Tips and tricks on shopping for ribbon and finding quality supplies

Additional bonuses include:

  • Written guide to decorating a Christmas Tree
  • A live video decorating a Tree w/ Damon
  • List of popular supply vendor discounts (Valid for the month of September)
  • The bow collection - 20 video tutorials on creating bows of all shapes, sizes and seasons 
  • All the worksheets, spread sheets and tools that you need to calculate Damon's Tree Topper Bow
  • Keyword (SEO) List to help sell Tree Topper Bows
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3 live video tutorials
Private Facebook Group
Expertise From Industry Leaders
Recorded Training That Can Be Access Any Time
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The Creative Coaches at DecoExchange have teamed up to help the victims of Hurricane Laura. We will be donating profits from The Christmas Tree Topper Bow challenge to help. 

Sign Up Below

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Add 1 or more additional hot meals before checking out. Each Meal ticket is $10.00 (Update Quantity at the bottom)
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item Christmas Tree Topper Bow Challenge quantity 1 price
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About Damon

Damon helps new product-based business owners who are stuck and overwhelmed get accelerated profits through targeted coaching and consulting.

About Mel

I'm a former Accounting Supervisor, now full time craft teacher following my dreams and helping others create beautiful decor for fun or to sell.

About Jacque

I'm a Creative Ninja and a DIY Decorating Coach! I create wreaths, swags and centerpieces for all seasons, themes and occasions and I can teach you too!
